Sunday, February 1, 2009

The economy and how I'm going to try to stimulate it!

One person cannot fix the economy but I'm going to give it my best try. And, because one action cannot fix the economy, I'm not going to rely on just one thing.

I'm going to continue to work hard and spend freely.
I'm going to continue to give joyfully what I can.
I'm going to continue to work toward being debt-free.
I'm going to continue to update and clean out my closets.
I'm going to continue to save for a rainy day.
I'm going to continue to contribute to my retirement fund.
I'm going to continue to feed my passion for visiting the world.
I'm going to continue to educate myself by learning new things.
I'm going to continue to evolve as a human being.

I'm going to remind myself daily that I love living on this earth,
no matter how brief my life might be.
I'm going to remind myself daily that I value living in this country,
and the freedoms that brings.
I'm going to remind myself daily that my contributions to this world matter,
so I better make them worthy.

There are a lot of things I could whine and complain about. But I really don't enjoy
myself when I'm whining and complaining. So I'm going to continue to believe that
today I can make a difference, tomorrow will be even better, and Thank you, God, for yesterday!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Random Things About Me....

I did this on my facebook page, but liked it enough to share here.

25 Random Things About Me....

1. Regarding computers: I often have no clue what I'm doing, but I'll still spend all day online trying to figure this out. I love technology but I don't understand how to use most of it. I'm not afraid to ask.

2. I believe we are all equal souls and that only love is real.

3. I'm an optimist and I believe in the creed, especially to greet every living creature with a smile. It's amazing what you can get back in return when you give someone a smile.

4. This is Earth University and I'm still a freshman. I love learning new things though sometimes I just skim the surface. I'm still joining all those after school clubs just to see what they are about.

5. The most amazing thing I have ever done was to give birth to my daughter, Jennifer Lauren. At 23, I believe SHE is amazing. I love her unconditionally, and I like her a lot too. In 2009 she will be moving to Oxford, England. I'm so excited for her!

6. I live in the country in a one-bedroom apartment above a 2-car garage. My husband, Ben, lives in a cottage next door. I refer to this as a bifurcated relationship: we live together, yet separately. It's kind of a Tracy-Hepburn thing except that we just got married (to each other!). I spend most of my time reading or on the computer. He spends time in his garage building tractors and cars and things with motors. We are surrounded by farmland, mostly corn fields, and cows. It's lovely.

7. In my family I play the role of airhead.

8. People have told me I'm too serious and I don't know how to have fun. I guess it comes down to what you think is fun.

9. I love to travel and have been to all 50 states. I've slept in most, driven through all. Airports do not count. And, yeah, it's a familiy tradition that it does not count unless you peed there.

10. I love riding the bus or any kind of mass transportation, especially in big cities.

11. It takes all of my courage to talk to a stranger.

12. I want to learn how to quilt. I love those fabrics!

13. There's no cable in the country and I don't want to pay for a satellite dish. I netflix anything I missed, so I'm just a few seasons behind. I'm ok with this.

14. Instead of an engagement ring, I asked for a Mustang. That 65 Ford Mustang convertible looks real sweet on my finger!! I love days that are sunny and warm enough to put the top down.

15. I really enjoy all kinds of music. From Jazz to country to soul to classic rock to oldies to the Rat Pack to Elvis. I'm even beginning to think I could make it through a hiphop or rap concert. I need to be able to understand the lyrics or feed off of the music. I love marching bands because they get me off my feet and the music pulses through me. I could spend all day watching drum lines do their thing.

16. I lived in Alaska for 8 years and loved it. I miss the mountains. They hold me steady.

17. I learned the truth at 17. I believe it was at a concert at Kiwanis Lake featuring Ann and Nancy Wilson. God exists.

18. I believe in ghosts and angels and multiple lives. It completes my puzzle.

19. I am passionate about my job, though sometimes I'm confused as to why.

20. I love spa days: facials, manicures, pedicures, massages, wraps. THE WORKS!

21. I am not afraid of death because it just signifies the end of this lesson. I'm having a fabulous freshman year!

22. Ben and I got married November 29, 2008. All of our children were with us when we exchanged vows. Together, we have 4 children and 2 grandchildren. In 2009 we will welcome a 3rd grandchild, a baby from Kazakhstan! I'm still not sure how I feel about this Grandma thing.... but I am very excited about the new baby!

23. Last summer I ploughed a field. Yep, I drove a big tractor. It was complicated and a bit scary. By August I was surrounded by grown up corn fields. I'm damn excited about being able to grow my own food. I want to make more time for this in my life. Less work in the office, more time in the fields.

24. My favorite Broadway show is Les Miserables. I've seen it 8 times, the last time (finally) actually on broadway. I loved Cabaret, especially the production at Studio 54. Theatres in London are more intimate. London rocks Queen!

25. I think Ben's tractors are sexy. Really.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Baby on the way!

We have a new baby coming for Bill and Melissa! So the word of the day, week or year will have to be BABY!

Friday, January 9, 2009

My daughter told me...

My wonderful twenty-something daughter told me she started a blog yesterday. How cool is it that we are both creating words on a page at the same time? We are often connected like that. I haven't figured out how to get her blog connected to my blog yet, because she's using a different blog I'm still exploring the choices available here at

This is me and Ben enjoying a day on the Pacific Ocean while visiting Kauai last week. Ben and I met in May of 2000 at a singles dance. It was the last song of the night and he finally got the courage to ask me to dance. Isn't that adorable? Thankfully, I had the nerve to say "yes!" Ben and I enjoy exploring new worlds together and have traveled throughout the United States and Europe. Kauai is a wonderful place to visit. Mahalo to the captain and crew of the Blue Dolphin for a fabulous day on the ocean. As promised, there were many whale sitings and lots of dolphins to play with!

In March 2008 Ben and I toured China. We explored Beijing, a flurry of pre-Olympic construction; Xi an, where we were awed by the Terra Cotta Warriors; Guilin, where we sailed the Li River; and the beautiful city of Shanghai. Ben asked me to marry him while we were climbing the Great Wall of China. I said Yes! Many thank you's to our tourguide, Mark, our city tour guides Stella and Peter, and the people at Colette Tours for a fabulous introduction to Asian culture, including both the current and the ancient worlds.
In mid-November we decided it was time to set a date and that sooner worked better than later. Most important to us was having all four of our children with us for this occasion. November 29th we had a lovely ceremony with our children and our fathers present. When the minister said "who gives these two to be wed?" we turned to them all and said, "this is where you get to say YOU DO!"
Shown here: George (my Dad); Jennifer (my daughter), Mark and Ashlee (Ben's daughter); Tamara and Ben; Bill and Melissa (Ben's daughter); Fred (Ben's Dad); Daryl (Ben's son).
Thank you to Jennifer, my Maid of Honor; to Matthew (Jen's boyfriend), for playing photographer, and to my brother Ben for making the movie. And a special thank you to Pastor Margaret at Zwingli Church in East Berlin for what she termed "a dear ceremony." We agree completely!
Thank you also to Country Hearth Florists for reading my mind on the flowers - they were lovely! - to Scott & Co. Jewelers for getting the rings in on time and to the folks at Inn 94 for a fabulous dinner. And an extra big smile with a thank you to the Colemans for their thoughtfulness in providing a cute and scrumptious cake!
At the end of the day, the word is: Cheers!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

With Mouth Wide Open

I've been viewing this blog thing and have been inspired by a far-away friend to actually take the first bite. Can you have your blog and savor it too? Ok, perhaps a corny attempt at blog-humor, but is anybody actually watching?